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Super Molds

Supersonic is ‘SuperSimple’, disc designed based off fundamental shapes and pure physics, created to elevate your game and integrate fun into the strategic disc golf game.

Our patented design for our discs, makes it possible to produce discs where they’re designed to excel in their own area of expertise, giving you better control over your throws with less strain on yourself.


Let your Supersonic Discs work for you, not the other way around.




The Trailblazer is a disc that will make you see new paths that you haven’t noticed before, the disc gives you the opportunity to open up your playing field, by being reliable in its throw curve, and its torque resistance paired with the ability to withstand strong winds gives you a great advantage on the course.


The Supersonic Trailblazer is our overstable fairway driver, designed to withstand the elements of nature and the player’s power! A disc that won’t turn over easily, steadfast on blazing its own trails with the player setting the path. The discs excel as a forehanded disc, with its overstability, it makes the throw more accessible to both skilled and new!


The disc is good for higher arm speeds, but even lower armspeeds can still utilize the discs S-curved throw. The disc is great for navigating around obstacles met on the course such as places with plenty of trees.


The disc can be thrown with a lot of anhyzer and will still stabilize itself again, resulting in a strong fade, even in harsh winds. Even if the high fade number seems too intimidating, the disc has the ability to fly straight in the first part of its flight, before it’ll fade drastically in the end of its flight.


The Trailblazer also gives an advantage to players who loves to throw with spike hyzer or grenade throws, giving you greater control and more predictability.


When in tight spots a good forehanded roller will get you out of trouble quickly, because this disc can achieve an amazing straight roll.


Our Trailblazer is currently released in it's first run edition, which has a limited stamp with 'first run' on.


We have 3 different weight classes for our first run Trailblazer, all able to float on water, of course! Read more about each weight below.

155G Trailblazer


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Our Loop disc is the perfect connection point between disc sports. We’ve fused together an Ultimate disc and a Disc golf disc. This bridge between sports has led us to a Midrange/Utilty Disc with an astounding amount of flight time as is characteristic of an Ultimate disc, while giving the player complete control over the disc trajectory, since the Loop flies straight it’ll all come down to your technique to determine where it lands, making it a perfect opportunity to enhance your game.


This disc is bigger than the usual golf disc, but this is exactly why it’s able to offer such a different experience. It’s the perfect disc for players that want control over their approach to the basket, or for Ultimate players looking to dip their toes into disc golf.


Since our Loop disc is a fusion between the two sports, the Loop is also an excellent throw and catch disc, giving you the perfect opportunity to finish your course and afterwards pass it to one another, whether it’s just a casual way to pass time or engage in some Ultimate frisbee, is completely up to you.


The Loop is a perfect choice especially for those starting with the sport or wanting to try another disc sport, since a lot of players quickly can be discouraged when they try a golf disc for the first time if they’ve been used to playing with other discs, since they fly quite differently, but the Loop is a bridge over the initial gap of adjusting to a new sport.


This disc is a great Midrange/Utilty disc, since it offers you an amazing control to approach the basket and its ability to fly straight makes it great for shots where you have to shoot forward as precisely as you can.


The Loop comes in three different weight classes, don’t be deterred by the high weight of the disc, this is due to the bigger diameter of the disc, but it still soars through the air with no complaints.


Our disc flies the same length no matter the weight, it’s up to you how much force you want to use when you throw them, and that’s where our three weight classes come into play.

165G Loop


  • Our lightest Loop lets you throw with little power, but still achieve as great distances as the others.

  • This disc is perfect for catching the tailwind, letting the wind carry our light disc further down the course.

  • The light weight also makes it perfect for beginners wanting to practice their techniques, without straining yourself.

  • The perfect Loop disc for catch and throw.

Sugar Glider

Sugar Glider


Just like a Sugar Glider our disc of the very same name, is a truly unique disc. Our understable distance driver got flying properties that has never been seen before. The disc can travel an unreal amount of distance, when thrown with low arm speed.


A Sugar Glider uses tailwind to glide great distances, our disc does the same. It performs best in calm winds or gliding along tailwinds, let the disc ride the wind currents and it’ll land softly at distances you’ve never thought possible. You don’t need to have the strongest arms to get the disc to get far, the disc does the work for you, be gentle, save your energy and get great results.


Though if you want to use the Sugar Glider in headwind, use a hyzer throw with a big angle, and the Sugar Glider will show you yet another powerful side. And if you want to make a forehanded shot, don’t worry, this disc is also amazing at that, as long as you use a hyzer angle.


If you throw your Sugar Glider with a big rotation, it will stabilize itself perfectly making it possible to have no fade at the end of the flight.


Don’t let the cute animal fool you, this disc is a powerhouse. Bringing you plenty of variability to experiment with throws. Our Sugar Glider is great for controllable roller throws, furthermore just like a real Sugar Glider our disc is great at navigating through narrow fairways, giving you the ability to achieve great tunnel throws.


And when the flight is over, our Sugar Glider softly lands on the ground, and especially up hills or over obstacles, our disc flies completely straight, giving you full predictability for where the disc lands.


All of our description sounds too good to be true, trust us, we thought the same when we tried it.


Our Sugar Glider is currently available in 4 different weight classes, 3 lightweight discs that can float on water, but a powerhouse that utilizes its lighter weight to the max. The last is a heavy weight discs. All of the discs have a high-speed rating, but despite our rating these discs are better suited to be thrown at a slower speed with high rotation making it possible to utilize the discs the most, and make it travel far with little effort.


When thrown with higher speed, use a hyzer throw with a lot of rotation to control the disc better!


146G Sugar Glider

  • The lightweight Sugar Glider is suited for players with low arm speed.

  • This discs glides execptionally far, with little power, living up to it's the real Sugar Glider abilities.

  • Is good for making roller throws and hyzer flip on the course to make to get your closer to the basket.

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A pondskater is a creature that can travel an astounding amount distance in a short amount of time, especially in relation to their size. And just like the animal, our disc can do just that. Our fairway driver, has an exceptionally long glide, making it possible to diminish your points during your game.


Our pondskater disc has the unique ability to have a controllable S-curved throw during the flight of your disc, making it a fun disc to master, since it files in such a unique way, you think it’s going to go too far off course, but it’ll stabilize itself during flight and fade at the end. Making it possible to have a reliable precision with your throws, when you get to know the feel of this disc.


A fact that has often been a hinderance to us in our play, is the need to potentially ‘sacrifice’ one of your discs when you have to throw over a water hole, because you aren’t certain the disc will make it all the way over, so you swap it for another that you won’t be as sad to lose. This scenario is something we want to put a stopper to.


And that’s why we’ve made the pondskater, a fairway driver, that travels great distances making it possible to get to the other side of the water hole, but even if you should miss (Sounds ludicrous, I know) all of our pondskater discs floats, just like a real pondskater, our disc will always resurface. So, you now have the opportunity to take a chance, and challenge yourself to throw your disc to the other side, without the fear of loosing your disc in the deep dark water.


Fittingly enough, just like a pondskater skips on water, our disc is amazing for a skip-throw, where ones intentionally aims for the disc hits the ground and bounces up again.


Our Pondskater is currently available in 3 different weight classes, all of our pondskater discs glides in the air with little effort, meaning that we’d recommend that you throw with lower arm speed than what you’re used to.

157G Pondskater


  • The lower weighted pondskater is better suited for people with low arm speed and tailwind.

  • The lightweight pondskater is good for throwing with sidearm and s-curved throws.

  • This disc excels in both head and tail wind, making it an all-around good choice for a lot of players.

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The Momentum disc is a putter that’ll win you over when you’ve gotten your hands on it. It’s an incredible putter that flies laser straight. Which means that whatever your throw trajectory is, our Momentum disc is sure to keep it.


Its ability to fly straight is even applicable when you throw this putter downhill, it’ll hold its straight flight pass, while descending the beautiful landscapes. It’s a perfect disc for reliability, since its less affected by the wind.


Whether you’re and avid backhand or forehand throwing you’re going to be sure to hit the basket and score less points during your rounds than you’ve ever done before. This disc gives you the freedom to experiment and train your backhand and forehand throws, since it’s comfortable doing whatever, you want it to.


Just like our other disc the Momentum putter is just as amazing and controllable whether you’re throwing at your full arm speed or less arm speed, it’ll travel just as far with each throw.


Since the flight of the Momentum is so much longer than other putters on the marked, it’s almost a midrange disc disguised as a putter. This disc will give you the opportunity to use it as an approach disc, pick it right up from where it landed and then you can sink it right into the basket.


Speaking of approaches, our Momentum disc is great at a controllable roll towards the basket. And when you’re in putting distance, you can choose to either spin-putt or push-putt the disc into the basket, it’ll most definitely hit the target. We can all agree there really is nothing sweeter than hearing those chains starts rattling.


Yet another cool fact? Even our heaviest Momentum, is capable to float in water, so gone are the days of losing your putter!


Our Momentum disc is currently available in 3 different weight classes, our Momentum is designed as a Putter but can be used in place of a midrange as well, since they have such a long glide. So if you don’t have a midrange in the bag, don’t worry, this is a two-in-one solution.

160G Momentum


  • This putter in very good in tailwind and low speed, but even when thrown with high arm speed this disc flies straight and holds the curve you set.


  • Our lightest putter gives you a change to repeatedly train yourself without strain and hone your putting techniques greatly.

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Supersonic is a Danish company that designs, develops and produces discs.

We strive to make the disc sport fun and enjoyable for everybody.

© 2024, Supersonic Discs.

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